Coinchange Help Center

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Corporate Account

Learning more about institutional accounts

What does it mean Source of Funds (SOF) document?

Understanding Coinchange Funds Source Requirements for Corporate Accounts

Coinchange may be required to know the source of any funds that are added to a corporate account. SOF outlines how the funds were originally generated. If Coinchange asks you for SOF, please submit them here. ​​Some examples of possible sources of funds are:

Corporate income - latest company annual accounts / Financial Statements (audited, if available) OR corporate income tax return for the latest fiscal year;

Investments - investment statement(s), certificate(s) or agreements and bank statement(s) displaying clearly income from investment OR letter from a financial advisor detailing the nature of the investment and the bank statement(s) displaying clearly income from investments;

Dividends or Profits from Company - latest company annual accounts / financial statements (audited, if available) and bank statement(s) displaying clearly income from dividends OR dividend statements and bank statement(s) displaying clearly income from dividends.

Loan - loan agreement(s) or statements(s) displaying clearly transfer(s) from Loan.

Sale of Assets - notarized sales contract (signed by all authorized parties) or other documents reflecting sale of asset(s) and bank statement(s) displaying income from sale of asset(s).

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