Coinchange Help Center

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Corporate Account

Learning more about institutional accounts

Coinchange asked me for a Source of Funds (SOF) document. What does this mean?

Coinchange may be required to know the source of any funds that are added to a corporate account. SOF outlines how the funds were originally generated. If Coinchange asks you for SOF, please submit them here. ​​Some examples of possible sources of funds are:

Corporate income - latest company annual accounts / Financial Statements (audited, if available) OR corporate income tax return for the latest fiscal year;

Investments - investment statement(s), certificate(s) or agreements and bank statement(s) displaying clearly income from investment OR letter from a financial advisor detailing the nature of the investment and the bank statement(s) displaying clearly income from investments;

Dividends or Profits from Company - latest company annual accounts / financial statements (audited, if available) and bank statement(s) displaying clearly income from dividends OR dividend statements and bank statement(s) displaying clearly income from dividends.

Loan - loan agreement(s) or statements(s) displaying clearly transfer(s) from Loan.

Sale of Assets - notarized sales contract (signed by all authorized parties) or other documents reflecting sale of asset(s) and bank statement(s) displaying income from sale of asset(s).

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