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What are the fees associated with using Coinchange?

Trade Cryptocurrencies with Low Fees - Coinchange's Transparency and Cost-Effective Solution

Coinchange allows you to trade cryptocurrencies quickly and cost-effectively, exposing you to some of the lowest fees in the industry.

Coinchange does not charge fees on account opening, account maintenance, account funding, or transferring funds inbound via crypto or fiat.

For Crypto-to-crypto, crypto-to-fiat, and fiat-to-crypto trades, we will honour the lowest trade prices permitted by market conditions and our liquidity providers. Retail and business accounts are not charged a fee for trading but are subject to the spread embedded into the asset price.

There are fees associated with outbound transfers to external crypto wallets or bank accounts. Fees are subject to their associated currency.


  • BTC outbound: 0.0005 BTC transfer fee
  • ETH outbound: 0.0055 ETH transfer fee
  • USDC outbound: 10 USDC transfer fee
  • USDT outbound: 10 USDT transfer fee
  • DAI outbound: 10 DAI transfer fee


  • Domestic (US-based bank account) outbound: $10 transfer fee
  • International (Non-US based bank account) outbound: $15 transfer fee

Please note that direct bank outbound transfers are unavailable. All outbound transfers must be done through crypto or wire transfers to external crypto wallets and bank accounts respectively.

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