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How do I log into my Coinchange account?

Meta Title: Easy Steps to Log Into Your Coinchange Account Securely

You can log into your Coinchange account either through our mobile application or through our web application. Once you choose your preferred login method, please follow the below steps:

Step 1: You will need your Coinchange email address and password. If you forgot your password, make sure to visit these password reset instructions. If you lost access to your email address, please contact support.

Step 2: Go to the Coinchange sign in page and enter your email and password. You will be prompted to complete 2-factor authentication before accessing your Coinchange account.

Step 3: You will be required to enter your phone number in order to receive a 2-factor authentication code. Once you receive your 6 digit code, you will need to enter it back in the verification screen in order to proceed.

Step 4: You’re all set!

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