Coinchange Help Center

Advice and answers from the Coinchange team
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Getting Started

Verifying My Identity

My identity documents failed verification.

Tips for Speeding Up Identity Verification Process

There are things you can do to speed up your identity verification!

  • Please ensure you are submitting verifications through the application. We do not accept verifications through our support channel.
  • Please register using the same name presented on your government issued ID. Please ensure your ID is undamaged & valid!
  • Avoid capturing your ID under direct spotlight.
  • Take the picture of the ID on a solid surface with a dark colour so the edges of the ID are clearly visible.
  • Make sure your ID is not obstructed in any way (no fingers covering the ID, the ID is fully visible with no cropped ends).
  • When you’re taking your selfie, try to fit your face in the circle & avoid staying too close to the camera for a more precise focus!
  • Avoid taking your selfie using an existing photo. We want to see the REAL you!

If you are no longer able to make submissions, please reach out to our support team.

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